We are proud to announce that we are now certified as ISO 9001:2008 compliant, the most widely used and internationally-recognised framework for good business management covering the key area of ‘Quality Management’. This achievement highlights our commitment to providing the highest level of service to our clients and further establishes ISN as a leading IT services and solutions provider.

Being awarded this distinction provides added value for ISN clients. Along with being an indisputable guarantee of consistent quality, ISO 9001 also provides a framework for continuous improvement enabling us to deliver the highest level of service to our customers every day.
“For ISN, undertaking the ISO 9001 certification was a no brainer as we already knew that we delivered a first rate service to all our clients on a daily basis. To achieve the certification we simply had to demonstrate to the auditors that all the required controls and procedures were already in place and it was pleasing to learn that this was the case. This tick in the box should give our clients further assurance that we are the professional provider of choice to assist with all aspects of their IT estate.” Richard Titheradge, Operations Director, Intuitive Systems & Networks.
ISO 9001 is considered the global quality standard for companies that implement continuous improvement in delivering products and services to customers. This certification helps both product and service-oriented organisations achieve standards of quality that are recognised and respected throughout the world.

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